What Tools Do We Have?
1. Model of Musc1.1 Free Rod"1.2 InitialStim1.3 Autogenk1.3.1 Ro.le].3.2ColJ::1.4 Inflamma'1.4.1 Cyto1.5 leucocytl1.6 Regenera2. Estrogen and r2.1 Estrogen ('2.2 Estrogen (2.3 Estrogen (3. Estrogen and r3.1 Effect of E3.2 H~topathl3.3 The Effect3.4 Estrogen.3.5 Estrogen (3.6 Estrogen (3.6. 1 Calc3.6.2I\cjhl3.6.3 Cytc4. Estrogen and I5. Implications fa6. Conclusion.hornl0llC COIICClllralion,; duling pr(IIt,ngcd lJllining in cliftwcight Ij/ICr$, Int J Sports Moo 1.987;8 Suppl. 1: 61-544, ".,.y A(;, Krucmer WJ, Ramscy I,T, PiIIJllucy-adrernll-gun"dulrCS]XInscsh) lIigh-inlcn"ily r"-,i,,lal]cc CKcrci$COYCl1rnillir\g IAppl Physiol 1998; ~5: 2352-945. Kr~lcmcr WJ, Flcck 5J, CalliSI!!r [{, cl "I. 't"raining rc"I'"n,c" (If'pl.""a beta-endllrphin, 11(lrcnOcorlicotropin. ami corli"u!.MLXI S"i Sp'lrls Excr" 1989; 21: 14(,-5346. Urhall.,cn A. Kullmcr T, Kindcrmllun W, A 7-wcck follow.up.~Iudy of Ihc bcllaviour "f Icslo,lcr(mc .11(1"orli.~ol during thc"ompclition pcriocl in ;owcrs. Bur J /\ppl "hysil,1 19117;'it;:.';28-:\347. UrbU\l."enA.c"enB, WcilcrD,clnl.Hol'lnUnal'I\ldbilocbcluic,,1Jlar"m(\lcr,;, psy"hovcgctulivc profi]c 111111ergomclnc pcrfor-malK:C during Irailung in rowers II\b,;lractj. Mell 5ci SpurlsI'Xl'I'C 1998; 30 ,~uppl.: S17448. Gllbricl H, Urhauscll A, ValcIG,cl.I.Ovcrlrainingali(! inlmllllesy."ten]: II longiludinal slUlly in endurancc "llIlct,,-,. Mcd ",ciSpt,rl.,I;xerc 19')!!; II: 1151-749. ".ny-Rillings M. Bk,mslrl\nd Ii. McAndrcw N, ellli. A C'II11-mulnc'llimull link helwcen .,kclctal mu'iClc. blUil1,l\l1d cclls ofI)\C immune systom.lnl J Spurls Mcd 1991); II: SI22-&.'iO. .~milh DJ, NOITisSR. Change.1 ill gllllmnillC ,uIll gllltamUlc con-ccnlrati(lns for tlucking troining lolerancc. Mcd Sci ~1](lrl'Exerc.2000; :12: (~4-95!. Mackillllun I;I~ I-h"'per SI.. PIII"mu glutllmine mId upper I\:'pi.ralol'Y IraCI illfcc\iUJI during intensified h.inillg;n .,w;mlncrs.Mcd Sci '~I'OrIS J!.~ere1996; 28: 285.9()52. .~lnilh J.I.. Cytokinc hYIJOlhosi.\of uvL'l1rninin8: " )lIlysil1logicuJIId"platillll 10 excc~~iyc strcss'1 Med Sri Spurls Ex"rc 2000;32: 317-3153. Jeukcndrnp AI;, Ile.""link MKC, Snyder AC. clll1. Physiulog.ical changos ill 11Ialc""m~titive cyclist.' nf1cr two WCl'k...ofinlensificll 11..'1iniJIg.lntJ SporL.. Mcd 19')2; 1:1: _~:l4.4154. Collin DI., FlynnM(;, Kirwlu] J)',clnl.lirfecl~ ofrepcmell clays.,(inlen."ified tmil1lng Otllnns<:le glycogcn nnd imming pcr.f"nuance. Mcd Sci Sports I,xel\: ] 98K; 20: 249..';4CorrcspOI,dente and offprillls: Axel Urhllllsen, fnstitlile ofSportsf1rnt1'{~VC\1IiveMedicine, f'ilClU(yofOillical Medicine,Univcrsily of Si\"rlnnd, Sn,\rbrucckcn, 66041, Germany.
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